Stay Secure: Cyber Defense Strategies for Manufacturers

In today's highly interconnected world, the manufacturing sector stands at the forefront of technological innovation. However, this digital transformation brings with it an elevated risk of cyber threats. As manufacturing operations become increasingly dependent on complex IT systems, the potential impact of cyber attacks grows significantly.


Recent incidents in the industry highlight the pressing need for a robust cybersecurity strategy. From ransomware attacks

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Major Cyber Attacks That Shook the Manufacturing Industry: Lessons Learned

The manufacturing industry stands as a pillar of global economic stability, driving innovation and production across various sectors. However, as technology advances and industrial processes become more interconnected, the sector faces an escalating threat: cyber attacks. In an era where everything from assembly lines to supply chains relies heavily on digital infrastructure, the vulnerabilities have never been greater.


Cybersecurity breaches in manufacturing are no

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From Ransomware to IP Theft: Understanding Cyber Risks in Manufacturing

We all know the manufacturing industry is a powerhouse, driving economic growth and innovation. But did you know it's also a prime target for cyber attacks? Yes, cybercriminals are increasingly setting their sights on manufacturers, and for good reasons.


In today’s tech-driven world, the manufacturing industry is the backbone of our global economy. But with great power comes great responsibility—and great risk. The very technology that propels our fa

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SMBs vs. Ransomware: How to Prevent Attacks and Regain Customer Trust

In the world of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), cybersecurity can often feel like an overwhelming task reserved for large corporations with dedicated IT departments. Yet, the stark reality is that SMBs are prime targets for ransomware attacks. The increasing frequency and sophistication of these attacks make it crucial for businesses of all sizes to fortify their defences and prepare for potential breaches. So, how can you protect your SMB from ransomware, and what steps should you

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Streamline Security: The Cyber Due Diligence Checklist You Need

In today's digitally driven world, cybersecurity due diligence has become a cornerstone for organizations seeking to safeguard their assets and mitigate risks effectively. Whether you're gearing up for an M&A transaction or simply aiming to enhance your cybersecurity posture, thorough preparation is key. To help you navigate this critical process, we've compiled a comprehensive checklist of essential steps to ensure your organization is ready to undergo cybersecurity due dilig

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Crack the Code: Your Complete Cyber Due Diligence Handbook

In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats lurk around every corner, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical. Whether you're contemplating a merger or acquisition, or simply aiming to fortify your organization's defenses, conducting cybersecurity due diligence is paramount. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of preparing for and performing cybersecurity due diligence, ensuring that your organization stays

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IT Vs. Cyber Due Diligence: Simplified For You


In the digital realm where every byte of data holds immense value, the concept of due diligence emerges as the sentinel guarding the gates of technological fortresses. As stewards of information security, it's crucial to discern the nuances between IT due diligence and cybersecurity due diligence, for within these distinctions lie the keys to resilience and preparedness.


In the labyrinth of digital landscapes, due diligence stands as the bastion

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Safeguarding Data Integrity in the Digital Age: Ensuring compliance with DPDP

In an era defined by unprecedented technological advancement and digital interconnectedness, the protection of personal data has emerged as a paramount concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. As the custodians of vast troves of sensitive information, organisations find themselves at the nexus of this data-driven revolution, grappling with the dual imperatives of innovation and responsibility. At the heart of this paradigm shift lies the Data Privacy and Personal Data Prote

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A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing the DPDP Act for Data Privacy in India

In response to the growing concerns surrounding data privacy and security in the digital age, India introduced the Data Privacy and Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act. This landmark legislation aims to regulate the collection, processing, storage, and transfer of personal data in India, thereby ensuring the protection of individuals' privacy rights in the digital ecosystem.


The importance of the DPDP Act cannot be overstated in today's interconnected world,

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8 Reasons Why Penetration testing is Important for Every Business

Cybersecurity is not a choice anymore but a necessity for all sorts of organisations, even if you run a not-for-profit organisation. Getting the name of your organisation in the news for the wrong reasons may create serious repercussions for the business. So how do we secure the business and what can we do to prevent the ever increasing cyber threat? Begin with cybersecurity!


While planning cybersecurity, penetration testing plays a crucial role as without knowing t

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Why Cyber Hygiene is important for every business?

Have you heard of something called cyber hygiene lately? Cyber hygiene refers to fundamental cybersecurity best practices that an organisation's security practitioners and users can undertake in order to improve online security. These practices are generally part of a routine ensuring identity and data security. Similar to other regular practices, cyber hygiene is regularly conducted to assure safety from common threats.



Why is cyber hyg

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Important things to know about HIPAA Compliance

Healthcare information is always sensitive. These details often contain the family's medical history and financial information making it more critical. This made it important for introducing Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).


HIPAA Compliance as defined is adherence to the physical, administrative and technical safeguards outlined in HIPAA, which covered entities and business associates must uphold to protect the integrity of Protected

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What is clickjacking and how to protect your business from it?

Bigger or smaller ignoring any threat is not advisable in today's highly challenging time. Clickjacking has never been considered a big threat by most businesses over time. 


Researchers have found that not every organisation considers clickjacking a severe security threat. But it can harm businesses. In many instances unknowingly the employee who clicks on the false link can open a chain of vulnerabilities for the organisation. Major industry giants like Tw

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Why Web Application Penetration Testing Is Important For Software security?


With the increased online presence of businesses, the need to secure Web Applications has taken a toll. Web Application Penetration Testing has emerged as an important tool for this.


There have been massive attacks on the organisations causing them to lose billions. Statistics have shown, that around 99% of businesses have at least one undiscovered vulnerability. These security issues are the ticking bomb that can blast anytime. Compromising on cybe

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Why ignoring cybersecurity audits can never be healthy for your business?

Are you thinking, if you need a cybersecurity audit for your business? Or maybe you implemented a cybersecurity audit sometime back, you don't remember. With the increasing cyber incidents globally no business is safe online.


According to Gartner's report, 41% of employees that went remote due to the pandemic want to continue to work from home. These kinds of changes in the global workforce also increase the challenges in implementing security policies. Regu

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Cyber security in India: How India is responding to the growing challenge?


India is among the top 3 most affected nations in Asia. India witnessed three times more cyber attacks in 2020 than in 2019.  More than 11.5 lakh incidents of cyberattacks were tracked and reported to India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) in 2021. Ransomware attacks have increased by 120% in India as per official estimates.


Not only big businesses but SMBs and startups have also fallen victim to cyberattacks. Online grocery s

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How to protect your business against ransomware attacks in an effective way?

Ransomware is becoming the biggest nightmare for all organisations with the increasing number of attacks amid the pandemic. Cyberattacks have become quite common and all countries whether big or small are falling victim to them. Power companies, oil and gas majors, telecom vendors, educational institutes, universities, retail chains, restaurant chains, transportation, hospitals and even diagnostic labs have been victims of cyberattacks.   


In this glo

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How businesses can meet the challenges of Cyber security in Kerala?

Cyber security in Kerala is alarming as according to the police records, one cybercrime is recorded every two hours in the State of Kerala. The sudden outbreak and spread of the pandemic have left everyone in a state of panic and chaos, providing the best time for the threat actors to exploit this fear of humans.


The hackers drafted the attacks aiming to compromise computers and devices to gain access to users' confidential data, banking details and cryptocurren

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