Ensuring data protection with Mobile App security testing

The increased usage of mobile applications has also raised the concern for the safety of the user data. Delivering a perfectly working and secure application is crucial for user retention. Users must be updated about the data collection and how and why it is collected. The applications should only collect the necessary data.

Mobile app security testing is intended to ensure complete data protection. Using the set of tests it is tested against the vulnerabilities that may allow external threats to gain access into the device.

It is often hard for organisations to monitor their applications adequately to adapt security protocol to mitigate the emerging threats. Changing compliance laws also requires the organisations to strictly follow the mandates to protect the security of users (e.g. GDPR compliance).

Application security is of utmost importance for the organisation to develop and improve the business with the assurance that they are safe from potential threats. Lacking in implementing security will lead to severe issues like compliance violations, financial losses, reputation and trust loss from the stakeholders and clients.

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What are the mobile application security risks?


Mobile apps are designed focusing on providing the smooth interface and best functionality to users. They lack the capabilities to secure data transmission over the internet. Hence installing the antivirus app may secure the network and prevent the device but it failed to protect against a weak password or a poorly designed app. 


There are common security lapses documented by the industry experts under the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).



How do we test mobile application security?


The important steps that we take while testing any app are below- 


1. Application Threat Model - Creating the model by understanding the application requirements. 


2. Performing Static and Dynamic assessment -Using automated tools and exploring the application manually to explore and execute the test cases in various scenarios.


3. Pen Testing - Exploiting the vulnerabilities to gain access and perform malicious activities. 


4. Reporting and Mitigating - Reporting the bugs and mitigations to the client in detail. 


Testing the mobile application is important for the developer as it takes lots of effort, money and time for the developer along with the security of the user using the application. Any misconfiguration may lead to serious losses on part of both parties.  


With the increase of portable devices, the usage of applications will only increase in the future. Are you ready with the secure applications? 

Why Mobile Application Security Testing?

Smooth Transactions

Proper functioning of the app ensures better transactions

Increased Operational Efficiency

No errors or delays due to misconfiguration or wrong source code

Reduced Risk

Reduced risk in terms of money, efficiency and exploitation by hackers

Meeting the Industry Regulations

Industry regulations for protecting data, security and finances

Better Reputation

Increased reputation among stakeholders and customers

What Illume offers
  • 1. Mobile App on device security
    2. Authorised and authenticated access
    3. Local data storage security
    4. Assessing the data in the network such as encryption to ensure security
    5. Verified source code of the application to ensure security from various ends on the network

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The cost of mobile application penetration testing depends on the scope of the test along with some other factors. Please contact our experts to know the estimation for your application.
Generally, the testing of an average-size application takes 7-10 days. It may vary depending on the requirements and test type selected.
Any business that uses mobile apps within their organisation should perform regular mobile application penetration testing.
Mobile application penetration testing is categorised into three main types
Black Box Testing
White Box Testing
Grey Box Testing
The main parameters for the test are
Architecture design
Network communication
Data storage
Authentication and session controls
Misconfiguration errors in code
The service provider needs to familiarise themselves with the organisation's nature of the business to understand the scope of the project. Thus, the more information you’re willing to share, the better the assessment the provider will be able to form.
Mobile app security testing can be applied to various types of mobile applications, including native apps (iOS, Android), hybrid apps, web apps accessed through mobile browsers, and mobile apps integrated with IoT devices.
While traditional application security testing focuses on assessing the security of web and desktop applications, mobile app security testing specifically evaluates the security of mobile applications and their interactions with mobile platforms and services. It involves techniques such as mobile app binary analysis, runtime analysis, and mobile-specific attack vectors.
Common tools include mobile app scanners like MobSF (Mobile Security Framework) and OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide, dynamic analysis tools like Burp Suite and Frida, and static analysis tools like QARK (Quick Android Review Kit) and MobSF. Techniques may include reverse engineering, code review, and mobile-specific vulnerability testing.
Mobile app security testing helps organizations identify and remediate security vulnerabilities that could lead to non-compliance with regulatory requirements. By ensuring the security of mobile applications, organizations can protect sensitive data and meet the security controls specified by regulatory standards.
Benefits include improved security posture, reduced risk of unauthorized access and data breaches, compliance with regulatory requirements, enhanced customer trust and confidence in mobile apps, and cost savings through proactive risk mitigation.
Yes, mobile app security testing services can be tailored to address the unique needs, challenges, and objectives of organizations. Service providers can collaborate with clients to define scope, objectives, testing methodologies, and reporting formats based on specific requirements.
Service providers adhere to strict confidentiality agreements and security protocols to protect sensitive information and data assets. They use controlled testing environments, employ encryption and anonymization techniques, and follow best practices for handling and protecting sensitive data.